We Are Messengers
by Nick LeForce

We may leave
our footprints
on the earth,
but we walk
in heaven. 

Our light
shines farther
than our own vision,
our words sink deeper than our own wisdom. 

We teach what you have lived before does not determine who you may become.

And we are learning
to follow simple truth of the heart.

What we see in others, 
we awaken in ourselves.

We become what we give to the world.

Nick LeForce’s words have stuck with me since I first heard them in Santa Cruz this summer.

As a writer, speaker, coach and trainer, I strive to bring out the best in people.

Yet, before I got to where I am today, there was a time when I unconsciously saw some of the worst in others.

Just yesterday, Facebook decided to pull up a post from four years ago that reminded me of who I used to be:

 August 9, 2012 FB Post

“I usually don’t like posting things like this because I know that people, in general won’t care.”

Think about it.

I wasn’t sad when I wrote that; I wasn’t angry when I wrote that; I just didn’t care – and I was borderline cocky about it.

I believed that other people didn’t care when others shared what they cared about. In turn, I adopted the very attitude that I perceived that I saw – and I began to embody it.

I saw (or at least, I thought I did) uncaringness, I awoke my uncaringness, and I became uncaring.

Has you ever felt this in your life? Have you ever experienced a feeling like this?

Today, I’m a different person.

I no longer see what I saw back then, so I no longer awaken it in myself – and I am no longer what I became in that fleeting era of my life.

So what do I see instead?

Today, I see passion.

Today, I awaken passion inside myself.

Every day, I am the passion I bring into the world.


What do you see in others?

What are you awakening in yourself?

Most importantly…

What is your gift to the world?