Planning, Presenting & Production – I’m prepared.

Drawing on a background of professional public speaking, years of Pinewood Studio acting training and a genuine passion for making great content, I’ve produced quite a few videos. From informational videos to inspirational stories to my 100 Days of Facebook Lives” travel vlog, take your pick.

Check out my professionally-produced featured video for the “Our Luminaries” education initiative.

Information · Inspiration · Impact

He doubted me and this is what I realised.

He was older than me. He had experiences I didn’t. He thought I knew nothing. If you’ve ever been doubted, […]

Where will distancing serve you?

It’s easy to get caught up in everything that goes on around us. Want to learn how to go from being stressed, […]

Champions Don’t Rely on Motivation

There is no doubt about it – champions like Olympic athletes are very motivated people. Yet, motivation is not what […]

Where is there abundance in your life?

What comes to your mind when you think of Las Vegas? I came to witness the power of human creativity, […]

Where will your perseverance take you?

Gazing down into the depths of the Grand Canyon, I feel myself overcome with a deep appreciation for nature’s […]

Who are your

As I embrace Sedona, I consider who brought me here, and how much I have to thank them for what I have […]

From page to stage to post-production

The value of knowledge is its ability to be shared with others, and novelty and originality is the key to capturing fresh perspectives that have people listen. 

My truest passion is delivery. Put me in front of an audience for a camera, and I am in my element. Yet, through my varied experiences as a writer, presenter and editor, I have been responsible for everything from writing thousands of words to making it happen before the camera to pulling it all together. From personal development to academic research to personal experiences, I pride myself on my ability to incorporate knowledge from multiple sources and integrate them to create novel material. Having been involved in production at multiple levels and angles, my holistic understanding of the process is key to my ability to manage my own production deadlines and those of the teams that I work with.

Interested in seeing how I could help your next project come to life? Let me know.