Discipline or disappointment.

Which one sounds better for you?

Neither is easy.

Both can be a pain and both can be inhibiting in their distinct ways, and you inevitably encounter both throughout your life.

So, let’s consider a different question.

What is the cost of staying where you are instead of moving forward?

What comes up for you?

At a glance, “staying where you are” may feel less costly – be it monetarily, physically, mentally or emotionally. It doesn’t require any action, so it’s easier.

That’s the thing, though.

Easier doesn’t mean less costly.

When you move forward, it comes at a cost.

It might be a financial investment, it might be physically exhausting, it may leave you drained mentally or emotionally frustrated.

But once you move forward, you’ve paid your price; it’s done.

When you stay where you are, you continue to pay the destructive price of stagnation.

Discipline is a catalyst for creating your future.

To put discipline into motion takes an invest of time and energy, but that pain pays off bountifully in the long run.

Disappointment is a catalyst for regretting your past.

To put disappointment into motion requires that you do nothing. While you may reap more pleasure in the present, pain will flood the future.

Let’s both think about that over the next few days.

Life is made to be enjoyed – I would never believe otherwise.

Yet, in the process of enjoying life today, set in motion what will allow you to enjoy life tomorrow.

What can you do for those around you to have a happier group of people to be around?

What work can you finish so it won’t become a phantom the night before it’s due?

What habit can you begin to form so you can continue to enjoy life later?

What thoughts and ideas can you foster for a better you?

Whatever you choose, remember:

Discipline weighs an ounce.

Disappointment weighs a ton.

Which do you prefer to carry around?


Feeling inspired? Feeling disciplined to do some reading? Learn 5 Sure-fire Ways to Hone Your Self-Discipline!