Tips & Tricks

4 Simple Ways You Can Get The Most Out of Your Seminars

Ever attended a live seminar? If you’re a life-long learner – and/or university student – like me, chances are you have! The seat-filled room, the chatting and contemplative people, the notepads and laptops, the canvas [...]

What colour is your world?

Stephen Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, once said, “If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But, if you want big and primary change, work on [...]

What if you DID “just understand”?

Some people are impossible, aren't they? Take my friend James. I've tried to share my ideas with him for years, but never listens. I keep trying to get closer to him, yet he keeps pushing [...]

5 Tips to Work Smarter without Working Harder

It’s past midnight. You’ve got an essay due the next day, and all you’ve got is the title and a few lines of a paragraph on screen. You’ve been typing for so many hours, though! [...]

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