
Swamped? 3 ideas for effective note taking

You’ve written notes; maybe you’ve annotated slides; perhaps you’ve created little studying aids. Yet, has it ever happened to you that when it comes time to revise, you’ve opened your notes and everything just sort [...]

Feeling Stuck? Solve It in 5 Minutes

Some days just don’t quite flow the way you want them to. You want to go out; you feel lazy. You want to draw; you have no ideas. You want to write; you have no [...]

Will You Carry Discipline or Disappointment?

Discipline or disappointment. Which one sounds better for you? Neither is easy. Both can be a pain and both can be inhibiting in their distinct ways, and you inevitably encounter both throughout your life. So, [...]

4 Simple Ways You Can Get The Most Out of Your Seminars

Ever attended a live seminar? If you’re a life-long learner – and/or university student – like me, chances are you have! The seat-filled room, the chatting and contemplative people, the notepads and laptops, the canvas [...]

5 Tips to Work Smarter without Working Harder

It’s past midnight. You’ve got an essay due the next day, and all you’ve got is the title and a few lines of a paragraph on screen. You’ve been typing for so many hours, though! [...]

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