
Swamped? 3 ideas for effective note taking

You’ve written notes; maybe you’ve annotated slides; perhaps you’ve created little studying aids. Yet, has it ever happened to you that when it comes time to revise, you’ve opened your notes and everything just sort [...]

Feeling Stuck? Solve It in 5 Minutes

Some days just don’t quite flow the way you want them to. You want to go out; you feel lazy. You want to draw; you have no ideas. You want to write; you have no [...]

Where will distancing serve you?

"Reacting to the good and the bad, and dealing with it adequately — that's the real joy in life," spoke Milton Erickson. It's easy to get caught up in everything that goes on around us. Want to [...]

Why “Sweet Revenge” Isn’t So Sweet

Have you ever harboured resentment, nursed a grudge or desired “vengeance”? Whether this is you today, yesterday, or weeks, months and years ago. How do we move on with our lives?                                   Here’s what we understand [...]

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