
Swamped? 3 ideas for effective note taking

You’ve written notes; maybe you’ve annotated slides; perhaps you’ve created little studying aids. Yet, has it ever happened to you that when it comes time to revise, you’ve opened your notes and everything just sort [...]

Why Does This Kind of Thinking Prevent Conflict?

We all belong to systems. Our family, our extended relatives, our circle of friends at school, our sphere of friends online, our colleagues at work, the community we live in, the government we live under, [...]

Feeling Stuck? Solve It in 5 Minutes

Some days just don’t quite flow the way you want them to. You want to go out; you feel lazy. You want to draw; you have no ideas. You want to write; you have no [...]

Where will distancing serve you?

"Reacting to the good and the bad, and dealing with it adequately — that's the real joy in life," spoke Milton Erickson. It's easy to get caught up in everything that goes on around us. Want to [...]

Will You Carry Discipline or Disappointment?

Discipline or disappointment. Which one sounds better for you? Neither is easy. Both can be a pain and both can be inhibiting in their distinct ways, and you inevitably encounter both throughout your life. So, [...]

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