
Will You Carry Discipline or Disappointment?

Discipline or disappointment. Which one sounds better for you? Neither is easy. Both can be a pain and both can be inhibiting in their distinct ways, and you inevitably encounter both throughout your life. So, [...]

You become what you give to the world

We Are Messengers by Nick LeForce We may leave our footprints on the earth, but we walk in heaven.  Our light shines farther than our own vision, our words sink deeper than our own wisdom.  We teach what you have lived before does not determine who you may become. And we are learning to follow a simple truth of the heart. What we see in others,  we awaken in ourselves. We become what we give to the world. Nick LeForce's words have stuck with me since I first heard them in Santa [...]

Who are your mentors?

As I embrace Sedona, I consider who brought me here, and how much I have to thank them for what I have today. Who are they? They are my mentors: those who give us more [...]

Why do you do what you do?

As I drive away from Santa Cruz, memories of the last 3 years drift through my mind. I am not the same person who came here for the first time in August 2013. For some [...]

Why Nelson Mandela Forgave: Letting Go Isn’t Giving Up

If I forgive their wrongdoing… Am I justifying them? Am I condoning what they’ve done? Am I sacrificing my moral values? Does forgiveness mean “giving up”? Have you encountered this dilemma before? Perhaps from a [...]

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