Big Questions

Should architects now be making video game worlds?

We often see architecture as an act of designing and planning what could exist in the world, and then making it happen. In the exponential boom of computational power in the recent decades, however, architects [...]

Featured by UCL: 7 Questions with Robert Vilkelis

For about a week, everyone saw my face when they opened the "UCL Go!" app. Check out my interview on the UCL website! This week, we meet Robert Vilkelis: myUCL Student Journalist, communications entrepreneur, multilinguist [...]

Where will distancing serve you?

"Reacting to the good and the bad, and dealing with it adequately — that's the real joy in life," spoke Milton Erickson. It's easy to get caught up in everything that goes on around us. Want to [...]

You become what you give to the world

We Are Messengers by Nick LeForce We may leave our footprints on the earth, but we walk in heaven.  Our light shines farther than our own vision, our words sink deeper than our own wisdom.  We teach what you have lived before does not determine who you may become. And we are learning to follow a simple truth of the heart. What we see in others,  we awaken in ourselves. We become what we give to the world. Nick LeForce's words have stuck with me since I first heard them in Santa [...]

Where is there abundance in your life?

What comes to your mind when you think of Las Vegas? Sin City? A place you'd like to go? Gambling? I came to Las Vegas to witness and take in the power of human creativity, [...]

Who are your mentors?

As I embrace Sedona, I consider who brought me here, and how much I have to thank them for what I have today. Who are they? They are my mentors: those who give us more [...]

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