
About Robert Vilkelis

Bold, creative and compassionate, I'm committed to people being the author of their own lives. As a strategic communications expert, I catalyse transformation in people's communication ability and stand for creating an education system that truly unites students and teachers together - not just putting them in the same building. Got a topic you'd like to discuss or ask me to cover? Send a message my way.

Who are your mentors?

As I embrace Sedona, I consider who brought me here, and how much I have to thank them for what I have today. Who are they? They are my mentors: those who give us more [...]

Why do you do what you do?

As I drive away from Santa Cruz, memories of the last 3 years drift through my mind. I am not the same person who came here for the first time in August 2013. For some [...]

4 Simple Ways You Can Get The Most Out of Your Seminars

Ever attended a live seminar? If you’re a life-long learner – and/or university student – like me, chances are you have! The seat-filled room, the chatting and contemplative people, the notepads and laptops, the canvas [...]

Why Nelson Mandela Forgave: Letting Go Isn’t Giving Up

If I forgive their wrongdoing… Am I justifying them? Am I condoning what they’ve done? Am I sacrificing my moral values? Does forgiveness mean “giving up”? Have you encountered this dilemma before? Perhaps from a [...]

Why We Are Greater Than Division

We are greater than division. We are a people. We are Earth. Overnight, Brexit has been realised. Much of what I want to say has already been said, each with varying degrees of anger, sadness [...]

Why “Sweet Revenge” Isn’t So Sweet

Have you ever harboured resentment, nursed a grudge or desired “vengeance”? Whether this is you today, yesterday, or weeks, months and years ago. How do we move on with our lives?                                   Here’s what we understand [...]

Your Past Doesn’t Make You: You Do

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."  - Viktor Frankl In “What colour is your world?” we reflected on the different tinted lenses we wear – [...]

What colour is your world?

Stephen Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, once said, “If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But, if you want big and primary change, work on [...]

In the Direction of Indirection

When in your life have you gone through a massive shift in identity? Are you undergoing one right now, like me? Today is the first day of the last week of being a “highschooler”. In [...]

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